Every now and then I remember to pull out my camera to document the random little things that happen around the house. Every time I do I wish I did it more often!! I want to push myself to capture more for my family and for me, so my goal for 2015 is to take 5 minutes at least once a month (hopefully more) to capture the little details of our day to day life. Thus begins my 5 Minute Project!! I’m excited for it and look forward to the challenge.
Today my little man decided he wanted to wear underwear for the first time ever! I’m so ready for him to be out of diapers, but not so much for the whole potty training part. But I will admit he looks absolutely adorable in his little super hero undies!
love the black and white, love the couch, love the cutest little boy and I looooove that you’re gonna take on the 5min project!!
Thanks Rhonda. Fingers crossed I can do it! And that it’s not always of this little monkey!