Well, you’ve seen their proposal and their engagement pictures so let’s just keep going… It was a cold and wet day when these two love birds got married in the Calgary Temple, but it couldn’t have been a more wonderful day. I’m so happy for my baby brother and his beautiful new bride. They make such a cute couple. It was such an honor for me to be able to photograph their wedding. Love you guys!!
This was adorable!! All the siblings, nieces and nephews and cousins sang a song Janie’s aunt had written lyrics to You Are My Sunshine. It was so cute! Then Janie’s aunts, uncles, bridesmaids and brother and sister sang songs that was sort of a timeline of their dating experience. Then my favorite part (and probably most embarrassing moment but totally worth it in the end) was when Ethan and Janie got up to say thank you to everyone for coming and all their support and at the end Ethan surprised Janie by busting out in song! Then slowly the whole family on both sides joined in with singing and dancing. There’s a small preview on my instagram feed if you’re interested in seeing it… We finished the night off with a dance and my kids didn’t want to leave they were having so much fun!
Great job on these Alysha! I love all of them!