I love this family. I know I probably say that about all the families I photograph, but I truly do. I met Natasha back during my Edmonton days while my hubby was in law school. I have so many fond memories with her and we’ve had some fantastic photo shoots together. I felt very honored that she and her family were willing to make the drive down from Edmonton for me to take their family photos.
And I just want to give a little shout out to Laura for her help and all the props that day. Thank you!

The kids were starting to get a little restless so we hopped in our vans and drove to McKay’s Ice Cream Shop. The twins had their first ice cream cone ever and I’m so glad to have been there to catch their reactions. They LOVED it! Little Gloria wasn’t quite sure what to do with it and kept trying to eat the cone first. They were covered and enjoyed every second. Wesley was so sweet and would come and share his with Laura and I. I just love these kids.

And really what can I say about Natasha… She is simply stunning. A photo I took of her a few years back won an International photo contest – need I say more. I love love love photographing her. She knows exactly what to do without any direction and makes my job that much easier. And Glen, you were great also 🙂 Thanks for being awesome you two!