I love this family, and not just because it’s my brother, sister-in-law and nieces. They’re just the most adorable family. And they are expecting baby GIRL number 3! I cannot wait to meet her. Ashley was hesitant to do photos, and at 38 weeks nonetheless. But after a little convincing I got her out and I’m so happy she agreed. Most perfect baby belly!
Brett, Rocko, Ryan, Grayson & Carrot – Calgary Family Photography
*N* Family
I had the best time with this beautiful family last week. The kids were adorable and I loved that they would giggle at almost anything (like their dad saying “yogurt”). Way too cute! Such a wonderful family and oh my goodness their home is absolutely beautiful. Denise, I especially love your kitchen!
Thank you for the lovely evening. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek!
~ Alysha ~

Sweet Baby James, my little nerd!
Well, next week my baby turns 1 year old! I can’t believe how fast that year went. He’s just a little ball of fire and I can’t get enough of him! A couple weeks ago we had an awful snowstorm and were stuck in the house. Figured since we weren’t going anywhere I might as well take some pictures of my little munchkin. I just love him! Now to decide which one (or ones) to get on canvas for his room… Any suggestions?